Nuxt mid-level certification launch date announced!


A Vue 3 UI library, Highly customizability, full TypeScript, performance pretty good

Vexip UI Nuxt

npm version

Nuxt Module for Vexip UI


  • 🏆 Automatically import components, plugins, directives, icons and their styles on demand

Quick Setup

Add @vexip-ui/nuxt dependency to your project:

# Using pnpm
pnpm i -D @vexip-ui/nuxt

# Using yarn
yarn add -D @vexip-ui/nuxt

If you want to control the version of Vexip UI, you need to add vexip-ui dependency to your project too:

# Using pnpm
pnpm i -D vexip-ui

# Using yarn
yarn add -D vexip-ui

Add @vexip-ui/nuxt to the modules section of nuxt.config.ts:

export default defineNuxtConfig({
  modules: [
  vexipUI: {
    // Your module options

That's it! You can now use Vexip UI in your Nuxt app:

  <VButton :icon="IUser" @click="handleClick">

<script setup lang="ts">
function handleClick() {

Module Options

Note that each option has default value, you only need to specify when changing it.

import type { FilterPattern } from '@rollup/pluginutils'

export interface ModuleOptions {
   * Include files that need to automatically resolve
   * @default
   * [
   *   /\.vue$/,
   *   /\.vue\?vue/,
   *   /\.vue\?v=/,
   *   /\.((c|m)?j|t)sx?$/
   * ]
  include: FilterPattern,
   * Include files that don't need to automatically resolve
   * @default
   * [
   *   /[\\/]node_modules[\\/]/,
   *   /[\\/]\.git[\\/]/,
   *   /[\\/]\.nuxt[\\/]/
   * ]
  exclude: FilterPattern,
   * Import css or sass styles with components
   * @default 'css'
  importStyle: boolean | 'css' | 'sass',
   * Import the dark theme preset styles
   * @default false
  importDarkTheme: boolean,
   * Prefix for name of components
   * @default 'V'
  prefix: string,
   * Auto import for directives
   * @default true
  directives: boolean,
   * Resolve icon components from '@vexip-ui/icons'
   * @default true
  resolveIcon: boolean,
   * Prefix for name of icon components, same to `prefix` if undefined or null
   * @default ''
  iconPrefix: string


Thanks for all their contributions!


# Install dependencies
pnpm install

# Generate type stubs
pnpm run dev:prepare

# Develop with the playground
pnpm run dev

# Build the playground
pnpm run dev:build

# Run ESLint
pnpm run lint

# Run Vitest
pnpm run test
pnpm run test:watch


All in MIT license.